You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks - Life Coaching for Kind, Sensitive, Creative People

There's a myth that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. My life coaching practice has taught me that nothing could be further from the truth. People can, and do, learn new things at any point in their lives, if they want to. The one's who don't learn new things are simply stuck because they're comfortable with their routine and don't want to disrupt it. It's hard, and even scary, to change how you've always done things.

So, you get to decide if you hang on to the old stuff that doesn't get you the results you want or try stuff that helps you move in a positive, inspiring direction. As a human being, you have the capability of moving in any direction you wish. I prefer to move in a kind, sensitive, creative direction because it leads to deep fulfillment. What new tricks will you learn?


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