Hurt People Have Dead Eyes

Hurt People Have Dead Eyes - Life Coaching for Kind People

There are many times I'll be talking with someone or even watching TV and notice that deeply hurt people have dead eyes, a distant, detached look that comes from inner trauma and a history of hurt.

Each one of us has hurts in his or her past, but it's what we do with that pain that determines whether we develop dead eyes or not. Some people hurt others because they themselves are so damaged inside, others choose to do life-affirming, uplifting things. People with dead eyes have given up on helping others, but it doesn't have to be that way.

The wonderful thing about human beings is that we can overcome anything and use it to create more good in the world. Think of the power we each have to do positive things and to treat others well. I love providing life coaching for kind, sensitive, creative people because they have the predisposition to move in a gentle, caring direction and create a better world.

We each only have one life and we can choose whether we live it kindly. What tips do you have to avoid dead eyes?


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