Happy People Aren't Mean

Happy People Aren't Mean - Life Coaching for Kind People

Genuinely happy people aren't mean because they feel good about themselves and aren't constantly on the offensive or defensive against others. When you feel truly peaceful and balanced inside, you tend to behave the same way toward others because you don't have anything to gain or compensate for by going down an unfavorable path.

I've worked with many people over the years to help them be as happy as possible in order to create a more positive world for themselves and others. The reason I exclusively provide life coaching for kind, sensitive, creative people is that they tend to be open to looking deep within themselves and finding what brings them joy.

I'm always surprised by the amount of people who say they're happy and then do all kinds of things that demonstrate they're not. Luckily, human beings can change their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. If you're not happy right now, it's not a problem, it just requires the will to heal yourself inside and move in a different direction. It's the process of replacing your current way of doing things with new, more positive approaches.

What are your secrets to being happy instead of mean?


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